Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Handmade Matt and Molly Social Story

Here is our social story for the week!

1. It's Valentine's Day, and Matt is thinking about Molly.  He wants to make her a beautiful valentine.
2. Matt works hard at the table making a valentine.  He uses markers and a pencil to draw a heart and a flower.  He also writes "Molly" on the card.
3. Matt is so excited to give Molly her valentine.
4. Molly is so happy to get the card!  She gives Matt a big hug and says "Thank you!"

*Note: This was a hand drawn "Matt and Molly" story. If you would like to buy the actual Matt and Molly packages, please go to the following link:

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Here are 2 social stories I use during feeding therapy. The boy I see loves Blues Clues, so I used pictures of them from Google Images. These stories help the boy focus, gives him an overiew of what we will do that day, and keeps things positive for him.

Eating Social Stories by

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Here is a checklist to help students remember what they need to bring to speech. Pictures are from Google Images.

Things to Bring to Speech by

Friday, January 25, 2013

Parent Questionnaire

This questionnaire was given to each parent of the children I see at my home health job. It was used to help get parent involvement and to provide insight for me.

Parent Questionnaire by

Information on Being Bilingual

I gave this information to the parents of the students in my Spanish-English classroom. This information was found on, I just condensed it. This is valuable information and helps explain many myths associated with being bilingual. If you have any bilingual children, please pass this on to their parents!

Bilingual Resource by

Parent Involvement: The Use of Newsletter

One way I communicate with the parents in my preschool classroom is by the use newsletters.  In the newsletter I include communication tips, the classroom theme of the month, the letter of the month, the colors of the month, vocabulary words, homework, and the website of the month.  This particular newsletter included information provided by Super Duper handouts:

Parent Newsletter by

Echo Reading

Echo reading is when a parent or therapist reads a text and the student "copies" the reader. This activity can be introduced by saying "I'll read, then you copy me." Read a section of the book or song and exaggerate. A great book to try this out with is "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle Say the whole phrase "Polar bear, polar, what do you hear?" (Then the student repeats what you say using the same intonation). Next say "I hear a lion roaring in my ear." (Then the student again repeats using the same intonatinon). Continue using this format until the book is finished!
Some other books to try with echo reading are "Mary Wore Her Red Dress and Henry Wore His Green Sneakers" by Merle Peek and James Cross Giblin "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" by Eileen Christelow "Down by the Bay (Raffi Songs to Read)" by Raffi and Nadine Bernard Westcott

What Will Happen Next?

This is a great activity to use to teach how to make predictions.  You can use the picture below, or gather a variety of items that go together (e.g. items used for dental hygiene, items to use when going swimming, etc.).  Ask the student what he sees in the picture (or the names of the items that you have gathered).  Then ask them "If a person has _____, then what will happen?"  This skill will help the student to start making sense of what is in his environment.

Stop and Read the Room

A good skill to teach your child is how to "Stop and Read the Room."  This will help your child become more aware of what and who is around him/her.  Once your child is more aware, they will be more likely to act appropiately in different situations. 

Stop and Read the Room by


Here are some great websites to use for therapy or for resources at home:                                  
This website includes words to use in "social scripts" such as attention getters to start a conversation.                       
These two are great "how to" websites.  These can be used in therapy or at home to teach things from how to tie tie to tips about making friends.
This website includes multiple social stories along with questions about each situation and predictions.             
This website gives instructions on how to perform different science experiments, which can be used in therapy or for fun at home.