Friday, February 28, 2014

Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?

This is the book we are reading this week in APPLE.  We will be focusing on the reducing the phonological process of fronting.  If you would like to do the activity at home, print out the following sheets.  Glue the different "fronting" words onto the cookies.  Have your child tell you the names of the the things on the cookie from the story.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

There Was a Coyote Who Swallowed a Flea

 Here is the book we are reading in class this week and next!  The following are pictures that you can use to talk to your children about the sequence/order the coyote ate different things in the book.  You can work with these pictures by sequencing, labeling the pictures, or using their good "speech sounds" while talking about the story.

Arizona Sensory Bin

Here is the sensory bin that we are using for this week!  It has rocks so that we can talk about mountains, and different types of citrus (only oranges are shown here).  I am also including the "Arizona Vocabulary" pictures from my earlier post into the bin.  Please talk to your child about what they saw and played with in the sensory bin this week!

Arizona Vocabulary Pictures

Here are the pictures I am using in the cross-cat classes this week to teach about Arizona.  Please print out the pictures and talk about the pictures with your child!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Syllable Reduction Minimal Pairs (3 Syllable Words)

Here are some more minimal pairs for syllable reduction.  Again, use these pictures if your child has the phonological process of syllable reduction.

Syllable Reduction

Here are some minimal pairs for students that have the phonological process of syllable reduction.  The words on the right hand column are the correct way to say the 2 or 3-syllable words.  The words on the left column are ways that students might sometimes shorten these longer words.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

S Placemats

Here is a placemat for "S" words!

Articulation Placemats

Here are placemats that you can print out for your kids to use at home. This one targets "C" and "K" words.

This one targets "G" words.

 You can ask your child on what picture they would like to have their snack on.  Help cue them to put their tongue back when they say an animal's name.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Patty, Bobby, and Mac

Here is our story for the week, where we are focusing on Arizona.  The bold letters are the vocabulary for the month.  Feel free to show them these pictures on the blog, or print out the pictures! Have your child answer questions about the story, retell the story, or just listen to you tell the story!

1. Once there was a girl named Patty and a boy named Bobby.  They had a dog named Mac that went everywhere with them.

2. They all lived in Arizona together.  By their house they had mountains, cacti, and a citrus tree with oranges.  Arizona is a desert, and it does not have a lot of water.  By their house there wasn't a lot of grass, because deserts are mostly made with sand and rocks.

3. One day, Patty, Bobby, and Mac got lost!  They looked around and saw lots of grass and trees. They knew they weren't in the desert of Arizona anymore.  They saw lots of elephants and a monkey. They thought, "These animals don't live in Arizona!." They felt sad. They wanted to find their home!

4. Next they found themselves by the ocean!  There was lots of water by them.  They knew they weren't in Arizona because Arizona doesn't have an ocean! They still felt sad and kept trying to find Arizona.

5. After awhile, Patty, Bobby and Mac stopped walking.  They looked around they saw mountains, cacti, and a citrus orange tree.  They were back in the desert!  They were so happy that they finally found Arizona again!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Final T/K Minimal Pairs with Initial P and B

Here are some final /t/ and /k/ minimal pairs!  These will work the same as the final /g/ and /d/ minimal pairs.  First say the word with the final /t/, then say the word with the final /k/.  Use these cards if your child has the goal of "reducing the phonological process of fronting."

Final G Minimal Pairs

Here are pictures of words that are the same, except that some end in /g/ and some end in /d/.  Please practice these with your child if they have a goal of "reducing the phonological process of fronting."  First say the word with the final /d/, then say the word across from it with the final /g/.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 2014 Vocabulary Words

Here are the vocabulary words we are focusing on this month!  The first two weeks of February we will focus on Valentine's Day. The last two weeks we will focus on Arizona history.

"SP" Minimal Pairs

Here are some minimal pairs to work on with your child.  First say the word without the "s," then say the word with the "s."  Have them repeat after you.  If they say the word without the "s," show them what they said (i.e. if they said "pin" when they tried to say "spin").

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February Homework Calendar

Here is the homework calendar for the month!  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Color Bags

Our color of the month is pink!  Please have your child bring in things that are pink to school.  Your child will present it to the class.  He/she will answer wh-questions about the item.

Valentine's Day Center

Here is our Valentine Center for the week!  The students will work on following a schedule and directions.  The targeted vocabulary words are in bold.

1. Pick out a piece of paper
2. Draw a picture on it or chose between different colored flowers and hearts to glue on the Valentine
3. Write your name on the valentine
4. Choose a friend to give the Valentine to
5. Give your Valentine a hug