Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Sensory Bin

Here is the sensory bin we will be using in Mary's class! We will work on the vocabulary words rabbit, grass, eggs, flowers, and bounce.  We will also work in matching the eggs up with lower case and upper case letters, as well as numbers!

Bug Art

This week in Alissa's class we will be "sand" coloring on this page. We will be working on different colors and vocabulary words: sun, spider, bee, butterfly, cocoon, flowers, and ladybug.

S-Blends and /k/

Here are some pictures to work on with your child if they are able to do /s/ blends and /k/ separately in words.  Once they are able to do both of those sounds in separate words, you can use these to practice the /s/ blends and /k/ together in the same words. Please talk to your SLP before you start practicing these with your child.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Vowel Articulation Cards

Here are some card to practice for short "u" and short "e."  Have your child say each word three times with you once.  After, go through them again and have him/her say it on their own three times.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easter Story

This is the Easter vocabulary story we are doing in Mary's class this week. Please print out the story and work on it with your child!  The words in bold are the vocabulary words for the month.

 Page 1:  Mary is going to hunt for some Easter eggs!  She wants to find a purple, pink, green, orange, and blue Easter egg.
Questions: What does Mary want to find?  What color Easter eggs does she want to see?

 Page 2: First Mary looks in a basket.  She doesn't see any eggs!  She only sees candy.  Mary still wants to find the Easter eggs!
Questions: What does Mary want to find?  What does Mary find in the basket?

Page 3: Next, Mary sees a bunny, chick, and duck. She says "Have you guys seen the Easter eggs?"  "No, sorry!" they all say.
Questions: Who does Mary talk to?  What do they say?  

Page 4: Then, Mary looks in the flowers.  She doesn't see any Easter eggs!  She only sees butterflies!
Questions: Where does Mary look next?  What does she see in the flowers?

Page 5: Mary looks in the grass next.  Yay!  She found her Easter eggs!
Questions: Where does Mary look next?  What does she see in the grass?  How does Mary feel?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pig Pig Activity

This week in APPLE and KIWI we will be reading "Pig Pig Gets a Job."  We will be focusing on final /g/ words.  If you would like to do this activity at home, please print out the following pages:

Give your child the following directions:

Put the pink pig on the school.

Put the purple pig in the garden

Put the orange pig above the balloons

Put the yellow  pig on the plane

Put the blue pig under the cloud

Put the red pig next to the school.

Put the green pig  in the cloud.

While you say a word with a /k/ or /g/ sound, but your hand to your throat to symbolize that you are putting your tongue back to produce the word. 

After they have completed the steps, have them tell you where the pigs are using a complete sentence.  Tell them to put their tongue back when they say words with /k/ and /g/.  Again, put your hand to your throat as a cue to put their tongue back if they are having trouble.  

Example:  “The pink pig is _____.”

                  “The purple pig is  ___.”

We will also be singing the following pig song:

We are also using a "farm" sensory bin.  We will work on using our "good sounds" to talk about the animals, where they are, and what they are doing.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Butterfly Story

This is the story we will be using in Alissa's class this week.  The bold letters are the vocabulary words that will be targeted. Please print out the pictures and work on the story with your child! You can tell them the story, ask them questions, have them retell the story, or just talk about the pictures!  

Page One: Jerry is going to the park.  He wants to find some butterflies!
Questions: What is the boy's name? What does he want to find?

Page 2: First, Jerry looks in the grass.  He doesn't see any butterflies! He only sees ants.  Jerry feels sad!
Questions: What does Jerry see?  Where are the ants?  Why is he sad?

Page 3: Next, Jerry looks in the flowers.  He still doesn't see any butterflies!  He only sees caterpillars!  Jerry is sad.
Questions: What does Jerry see?  Where are the caterpillars?  Why is he sad?

Page 4: After, Jerry looks in a web.  There are still no butterflies!  He only sees a spider.
Questions: What does Jerry see?  Where is the spider?  Why is he sad?

Page 5: Next Jerry looks in a bee hive. He only see's bees!  Jerry is still sad.
Questions: What does Jerry see?  Where are the bees?  Why is he sad?

Page 6: Next, Jerry looks in a tree.  In the tree he sees a cocoon!  He sees something coming out of the cocoon!
Questions: What does Jerry see?  What do you think is in the cocoon?

Page 7: Out of the cocoon comes a beautiful butterfly!  Jerry is so happy he finally found the butterfly!
Questions:  What did Jerry find?  Where was the butterfly?  Why is he happy?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Garden Vocabulary Words

Here are the vocabulary words for April for Alissa's class.  Please print out the words and work on them with your child!

Easter Vocabulary

Here are the vocabulary words we are working on in Mary's class!  Please print out the words and work with them on your child.