Monday, December 15, 2014

Hot Chocolate Story

Here is the story we will be working on this week in class.  It will be used to help the students sequence the story, answer wh-questions, and learn themed vocabulary words.

You can also get the PDF here on Teachers Pay Teachers!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Wrapping Christmas Gifts

This week was all about the Christmas gifts! Here is an overview of what we did.

This book is super cute!  There are multiple things that have "smelly stickers" on it, so the kids can small different Christmas items such a pine tree, hot chocolate, gingerbread cookies, etc.  We talked about how things smelled and which smells the students liked.  It was also a great way to practice taking turns and waiting patiently, because all of the my students were super excited to smell the items!

We read this book in my articulation class to practice the /g/. Every time I said "Grinch" I held up a small picture of the Grinch.  Whenever my students saw the picture, they had to put their tongue back for the /g/ and say Grinch with  me!

This is a beautiful book!  We also read this book to see what different cultures do on Christmas.  We saw pictures of kids in Mexico, the Philippines, etc.

Group Activity:

We had a fun group activity this week! We played with a parachute with bows.  I made it into a math activity also.  I had the students pick out a number from a bag and a color. Then the students had to help me count out that specific number of colored bows on the the parachute.  At the end we put all 150 bows in the parachute.  It looked really beautiful!

Our art this week was super fun!  We did "bow painting."  We gave the students paint, and they had to dip the bow into it and use the bow as a paint brush.  

Sequencing Activity:
For our sequencing activity this week we wrapped Christmas gifts.  I was able to target a bunch of vocabulary words and following directions. We were also able to practice some fine motor skills!

December Vocabulary Words

We have all holiday vocabulary words this month!  We made them to go with the books "I Love Christmas," "Jingle Bells," and "Night Tree."
 The following words are the same as the ones above, they are just bigger images.

Decorating a Christmas Tree

Last week in speech was all about decorating a Christmas Tree!  We were able to hit so many speech-language concepts.  Here is an over view of what we did:


We also read a story that I wrote with my own dog!  You can get it here.  This story is a sequencing story of my dog putting up a Christmas tree.  It targets holiday vocabulary words, sequencing, and answering questions.
My coworker and I also pulled out all of our Christmas books and filled up our reading center!

Small World Play:

 Our small world play was a "Christmas Wonderland."  It contained tinsel and all sorts of different "holiday" vocabulary words from stickers, erasers, and other toys.

Sequencing Activity:

For our sequencing activity we decorated a Christmas tree!  I had a visual for all of the students to use.  We worked on a lot of vocabulary words too with the ornaments.  I had ornaments in the shape of reindeer, Santa, balls, bows, lights, and starts.  They were all different colors, so we worked on colors and requesting specific ornaments. It was also easy to  make this into an articulation lesson with all of the /s/ sounds (i.e. star, bows, lights, Santa).

Question of the Day:
Our question of the day was "When you decorate a Christmas tree, do you like to put up ornaments or garland?  The students then put their name under their answer. After, we talked about what everyone has on their tree at home!