Friday, May 15, 2015

Puppy Minimal Pairs App


I am excited to announce that I have partnered with a software engineer, and we will be releasing an iPad application called Puppy Minimal Pairs in the near future!!  As you can see from the screen shots students and speech therapists will have the opportunity to work on reducing different phonological processes with engaging pictures!  Every picture includes Jensie, a cute black lab puppy.  This will help the students be more interested in each word. The students can be asked questions such as "What is the puppy wearing?" in order to get the students to say each word.  The app also gives students the ability to audio and video record themselves saying different words.

How it works:   
The entire application can be purchased for thirty dollars.  If you are thinking of purchasing all of the sections, we recommend utilizing this option up front to save some money!  Alternatively, individual sections can be purchased.  Initial Consonant Deletion is free because we want to give you a feel for the applications effectiveness and quality before committing to spending money! 
How to Use the Features:  
When a section is available simply click on that section to receive a set of at least 20 minimal pairs with pictures and recordings.  Click on the written word to hear a sample of how that word should be pronounced. Click record audio to create an audio recording of your student saying the word and compare how they said to the word to the minimal pair.  Click video recording to record and play back a video of your student to see in action!  All of these features work together to give your students maximum cuing.  Cycle through the words to practice a variety of Minimal Pairs!


1. Will the audio recordings or videos be saved to my device?  Because of HIPPA and memory issues, I don't want anything saved to my device.

No.  The audio recordings and videos are temporary files created for use only by the Puppy Minimal Pairs application and they are deleted when you move on to the next Minimal Pair.

2. I bought a new iPad or deleted and re-installed the app and my previously purchased sections are showing prices again.  Do I have to buy them again?

No, once was enough!  When you click on the sections, as long as you are logged in with the same Apple account, you will receive a message saying you have already purchased this item and it will ask if you would like to receive it for free.  Which of course you should say yes to!  If you had previously purchased all sections simply follow this process for that section, otherwise, follow the process for the individual sections you had previously purchased.

3. Is there an iPhone or Android version?

Not yet, but those may be coming soon! Which would you like to see? Email us at the address below!

4. I need help, who should I contact?

We are very excited for this app, and we truly believe it will help students become more engaged in their speech therapy!  We will keep you all updated with the next stages!