Monday, September 28, 2015

"B" Day in APPLE

**** Note, this is the Friday class with Miss Hope and Miss Nicole

Today in APPLE we learned about the letter "B!"  Here is an over view of all the things we did:



We sang the songs that were given on the homework sheet:

"Busy Bear" Action Poem
"B, b, Here is a B"


We found bugs  in beans!

We washed babies outside in the  morning class!

We fed the dog bones!

Don't spill the beans!


Bristle Blocks!

Beach game!

Dramatic Play/Phonology Activity

In our dramatic play area we played in a pretend Basha's store!  We looked for food items that had a "B" in it.  If it had a "B," we put it in a "B" bag.  If it didn't, we put it in another bag.









Tell your family what you did today in APPLE!

Tell them about the book we read.

¡Dile a tu familia lo que hiciste hoy en APPLE!

Hábleles acerca del libro:

We talked about bananas, balls, bean bags.  What else in your house starts with “B”?

Hablamos de bananas, bebes en APPLE ayer.  ¿Cuáles otras cosas empiezan con B en tu casa? 

A lo mejor ustedes pueden comer un poco de piña o palomitas.
Practice some of the poems we learned in APPLE. 
(Poems attached)

Practiquen los poemas que aprendimos en APPLE.  (Adjunto están los poemas.)
Find baby dolls in at your house and wash them!

Busca munecas de bebes en tu casa y lavalas.

Do the attached worksheets about the letter B.

Hagan las hojas adjuntas que tienen las palabras que empiezan en B. 
Practice making the letter B.  Use a pencil, pen, paint, or playdough!

Practica hacer la letra B.  ¡Usa un lápiz, una pluma, pintura, o plastacina!






Find something in your house that begins with the letter H.  Put it in your backpack and bring it for show and tell tomorrow at APPLE.

Busca algo en tu casa que empieza con la letra H.  Ponlo en tu mochila y tráelo para enseñárselo a tus amigos mañana en APPLE.

Monday, September 21, 2015


For the next two weeks we are working on pumpkins in Ms. Abby and Ms. Mary's classes! Here are the books, vocabulary words, definitions, and activities.  Please talk about the vocabulary words, read the books, and do the following activities.  Thank you!

Para las dos proximas semanas estamos trabajando con calabazas en las clases de Ms. Abby y Ms. Mary! Aqui hay los libros, palabras del vocabulario, definiciones, y actividades.  Por favor habla del vocabulario, lee los libros, y hagan los actividades.  Gracias!


We scooped shiny and delicious things out of oatmeal.  We then put these objects on our vocabulary pictures.  

Nosotros sacamos cosas brillantes y deliciosas.  Nostoros pusimos los objetos en las fotos de vocabulario.


We painted pictures of a seed, a sprout that is a baby plant, and then a big plant! 

Nostros pintamos la semilla, brote que es una planta bebe, y una planta grande!


The students all weighed their bodies on the scale. 

Todos de los estudiantes pasaron los cuerpos en la escala.

The children looked for other things in the classroom to weigh.  Here they were weighing the book, and then they pushed down on the scale to see the numbers move.

Los ninos buscaron para otras cosas pare pesar.  Aqui ellos pesaron el libro, y luego empujaron la escala para ver los numeros mueven.


The students put things in water to see if they floated. If they floated they put it on the "yes" paper, and if not they put it on the "no" paper.

Los estudiantes pusieron cosas en el agua para ver si pueden flotar.  Si las cosas podian flotar, los ninos pusieron las cosas en el papel que dice "si." Si no podian flotar pusieron la cosa en el pape que dice "no."

Sunday, September 20, 2015

"A" in APPLE class!!!

Friday in APPLE (****this is the class on Fridays with Ms. Hope and Ms. Nicole)  we learned about the letter "A"!  Here are the activities we did.  Please ask your child about the different activities, and stress that they all started with "A"

Songs/Finger Plays:
We did several finger plays we did with apples.  You can find several finger plays here!  We also sang the song "The Ants go Marching!"

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching two by two,
The little one stops to tie his shoe
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching three by three,
The little one stops to climb a tree
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching four by four,
The little one stops to shut the door
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching five by five,
The little one stops to see a bee hive
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching six by six, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching six by six, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching six by six,
The little one stops to pick up sticks
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

Question of the Day
Ask your child about which apple they prefer!

Outside: (Notes: this was only in the morning class.  It was too hot in the afternoon!)
We painted cars and used shape sponges!

We made painted letters on the ground with paint brushes!  We all worked on painting the letter A.

We played in a bin that had shiny rocks, spoons, cups, and apple cinnamon oatmeal!

Ants in my pants game! This game is pretty hard, but it's still lots of fun!

We cooked apples and other foods in the kitchen area.

We put food on our placemats during speech therapy.

We tried red and green apples at snack today!  The students had to tell us where they wanted us to put their apples and water.  We have placemats that we use with either /k/, /s/, or /g/ sounds.  Let me know if you want some for your house!

Phonology Activity: 
The students had and an angry bird that they had to feed!  The catch was that the angry bird only wanted to eat things that started with "A"!

Friday, September 11, 2015

"N" Day in APPLE!

Today was "N" day in APPLE!  Talk to your child about the following activities they did today in school!


"The Napping House" is a great book to read for sequencing, predicting, and action words!  It also has tons of /s/ blends to practice.  Read this book with your child and have them say "In the napping house, where everyone is sleeping" with you.

Sensory Activity
In our sensory bin today we had Nightcrawlers, which were real live worms in the soil! We talked about the correct way to hold the worms so that they didn't get hurt.  Only a couple of the kids actually touched the worms, but a lot of them watched the worms!

Ned's Head  is a hilarious game where you have to find all sorts of strange items in the big head!  Ask your child about what they found in his head (there are some pretty disgusting things in there)!

 This was a fun activity where a hidden "N" was found by coloring the big N's and little n's different colors!
The! students practiced requesting for big stars, little stars, or shooting stars by using their "good s" sounds!  Together they all made a beautiful night sky!

Phonological Awareness Activity

The students all helped the SLP figure out if words started with /n/.  Some of the words did, but some started with /s/, /k/, or /g/.  If it started with /n/ they circled the object, but if it started with one of the other sounds they crossed it out.  They then cut out the pictures that were circled and glued it on their big "N."

Dramatic Play
In our dramatic play area, we had different grocery items, bags, and receipts for the children to use. They all had environmental print for the students to "read."

The students made Noodle Necklaces today in art.  Some of them made it for themselves, but several made it for their moms!









Tell your family what you did today in APPLE!

Tell them about the book we read.

¡Dile a tu familia lo que hiciste hoy en APPLE!

Hábleles acerca del libro:

We made a night sky with stars in class today.  Go outside and see what you can see in the sky.  Tell your family “I see ______in the sky!”-Use your good /s/ sound.

Practice the song “I Spy a Nest” to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Farm like we sang in class.  
(Song on the top of next page)

Practiquen el cancion que aprendimos “I Spy a Nest”  en APPLE.  (Adjunto están los poemas.)
See if anyone in your family has nickels.  Count how many you can find!

Do the attached worksheets about words that start and end with the letter N.

Hagan las hojas adjuntas que tienen las palabras que empiezan y terminan en P. 
The letter “N” is made from 3 straight lines.  Practice making the letter N with 3 sticks, pencils, pens or anything else that is long and skinny. 

Practica hacer la letra N.   




Find something in your house that begins with the letter A.  Put it in your backpack and bring it for show and tell tomorrow at APPLE.

Busca algo en tu casa que empieza con la letra A.  Ponlo en tu mochila y tráelo para enseñárselo a tus amigos mañana en APPLE.