Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Garden Articulation Activity

This week in APPLE we will be reading "Grandpa's Garden Lunch."  We will also being doing an articulation activity that I have attached below.  I will have the students request for what objects they would like to put in their garden using their "good speech sounds."

If your child is in a different class, feel free to read this book with your child and do the activity with them! In all of my classes we are talking about gardens, and this activity would be a great way to incorporate some vocabulary at home.  Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Garden Sensory Bin

The sensory bin for this week was created by my co-worker Anneli! We will be playing in soil, cilantro, and birdseed. We will be digging and scooping with flower pots.  We will also talk about flowers, insects, and plants. Please ask your child about the sensory bin they will be playing in either this week or next (Mary's class on Thursday, APPLE on Friday, and Alissa's class next Tuesday).

*The vocabulary words we will be working on are in bold.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Garden Story

Here is the garden story we will be using after spring break.  Please print out the pictures and tell the story to your child. When you are done, you can have your child retell the story to you. They can also tell you about what they see in the pictures or answer wh-questions.

The following are the vocabulary words that will be targeted: garden, soil, flowers, seeds, water, sun

Page 1: Maria wants to make a garden full of flowers! She plants lots of seeds in the soil.
Questions: What does Maria plant? What does she want to grow?

Page 2: Maria wants the flowers to grow, so she gives the garden a taco.  Nothing grows!  
Questions: What does Maria give the garden first?  Does anything happen to the garden?

Page 3: Next, Maria gives the garden cheese.  Nothing happens to the garden!  There are still no flowers.
Questions: What does Maria give next?  What happens? What color is the cheese?

Page 4: Next, Maria gives the garden a cupcake.  Once again nothing happens!  Maria still wants flowers!
Questions: What did Maria give the garden next?  What happened?  

Page 5: Maria has an idea!  She uses a watering can and gives the garden lots of water.
Questions: What did Maria give the garden? What do you think will happen?

Page 6: Because Maria gives the garden water, lots of flowers grow!  Maria is so happy!  She finally has a garden full of flowers!
Questions: What grew in the garden? What did the garden need to grow flowers?  How did Maria feel?

Goodnight Gorilla

This week in KIWI we read the book Goodnight Gorilla.  If you would like to have more practice over spring break, please print out the following pages.  First glue the /g/ words on the gorillas.  Then, have your child say each /g/ word five times.  Cue your child by placing your hand by your neck to symbolize that it is a "back" sound.  Tell your child to put their tongue back to produce each /g/.After they say a word, glue the gorillas onto the zoo.  When they are done they can color their picture and hang their zoo up!  Throughout the week have them practice the /g/ words.  They can show their zoo to their family members and say each word for them.  

Garden Place Mats

After spring break we will be using these garden and spring place mats.  We will focus on the following vocabulary words: flowers, sun, rainbow, plant, garden, vegetables, clouds, bugs.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Zoo Story

Here is the zoo story we will be doing this week!  Feel free to print out the story and tell it to your child.  You can also look at the pictures and have them tell you about what they see in the pictures.  I have also included questions that you can ask your child.  

Page 1: Joey is going to the zoo!  He wants to see the big black bear.
 Questions: Where is Joey going?  What does Joey want to see?

 Page 2: First Joey looks in the water.  He sees a shark, seal, dolphins, and an octopus.  He doesn't see the bear!  This makes him sad.  He keeps looking for the bear.
Questions: Where does Joey look first?  What does he see in the water?  Why does Joey feel sad? What are the dolphins doing?

Page 3: Next, Joey looks on the land.  He sees a giraffe, two zebras, and two tigers.  He still doesn't see the black bear!  He feels sad.  He keeps looking for the bear.
Questions: Where does Joey look next?  What does he see on the land?  How many tigers does he see? How many zebras does he see?  Why does Joey feel sad?  Which animals have stripes?  Which animal has spots?

 Page 4: Next, Joey looks in a big tree. He sees monkeys and birds, but he still doesn't see the bear!  He still feels sad!
Questions: Where does Joey look next for the bear?  What does he see in the tree?  How many monkeys does he see?  How many birds does he see?  Is the tree tall or short?  How does Joey feel?

Page 5: Joey sees a cave!  He keeps looking to see what's inside.
Questions: Where is Joey going to look next? What do you think will be in the cave?

Page 6: Out of the cave comes two black bears!  Joey is so happy he finally found a black bear!
Questions: What does Joey find in the cave?  How many bears does he see?  What color are the bears?  How does Joey feel now?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Zoo Sensory Bin

Here is our sensory bin for the week! The vocabulary words are: cave, body of water, tree, and all of the animal names.  We will work on classifying where the animals live and animal actions.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sound Development Charts

The following charts show different sounds and at what age children are typically able to produce these sounds.  They are separated into two different charts: one for males and one for females.  Remember each child and situation is different, and this is general information about when children might acquire their sounds.

Spanish Articulation and Language Resources

The following information explain differences vs. disorders in Spanish influenced English.  This is a great information for all speech-language pathologists who work with Spanish speaking students!

Acronym List

Here is an acronym "cheat sheet" that I found online.  I think that it is a great resource and explains lots of different terms that families might here during school meetings. 

March Calendar

Here is the homework calendar for the month. Please work with your child on these activities throughout the week. Focus on their "speech sound" based on what their IEP goals are. If you child does not have any "speech sounds" that they are working on, you can still do these activities and work on having your child describe different pictures.  If you have any questions please let me know!

Going to the Zoo

Our song in the cross cat classrooms for the next two weeks is "Going to the Zoo," which is number 14 on the CDs I gave everyone for Winter Break.  If you did not get that CD, please let me know!  Please print out the pictures and look at them while you sing the song.  You can also go over the animals on every page and the different animal action words.

The Giving Tree

Here is the book for APPLE and KIWI for this next week!  We will be reading the book together. After, we will focus on words that have final /k/ sounds.  If you would like to do this activity with your child at home, please print out the following pages.  Have them glue the pictures of the final /k/ words onto the apples.  Then, have them tell you the names of the pictures 5x each.  Cue them by telling them to put their tongue "back."  After, have them glue the apples onto or around the tree.  Then you practice the words with them for a couple of minutes everyday.