Thursday, March 13, 2014

Garden Story

Here is the garden story we will be using after spring break.  Please print out the pictures and tell the story to your child. When you are done, you can have your child retell the story to you. They can also tell you about what they see in the pictures or answer wh-questions.

The following are the vocabulary words that will be targeted: garden, soil, flowers, seeds, water, sun

Page 1: Maria wants to make a garden full of flowers! She plants lots of seeds in the soil.
Questions: What does Maria plant? What does she want to grow?

Page 2: Maria wants the flowers to grow, so she gives the garden a taco.  Nothing grows!  
Questions: What does Maria give the garden first?  Does anything happen to the garden?

Page 3: Next, Maria gives the garden cheese.  Nothing happens to the garden!  There are still no flowers.
Questions: What does Maria give next?  What happens? What color is the cheese?

Page 4: Next, Maria gives the garden a cupcake.  Once again nothing happens!  Maria still wants flowers!
Questions: What did Maria give the garden next?  What happened?  

Page 5: Maria has an idea!  She uses a watering can and gives the garden lots of water.
Questions: What did Maria give the garden? What do you think will happen?

Page 6: Because Maria gives the garden water, lots of flowers grow!  Maria is so happy!  She finally has a garden full of flowers!
Questions: What grew in the garden? What did the garden need to grow flowers?  How did Maria feel?

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