Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pig Pig Activity

This week in APPLE and KIWI we will be reading "Pig Pig Gets a Job."  We will be focusing on final /g/ words.  If you would like to do this activity at home, please print out the following pages:

Give your child the following directions:

Put the pink pig on the school.

Put the purple pig in the garden

Put the orange pig above the balloons

Put the yellow  pig on the plane

Put the blue pig under the cloud

Put the red pig next to the school.

Put the green pig  in the cloud.

While you say a word with a /k/ or /g/ sound, but your hand to your throat to symbolize that you are putting your tongue back to produce the word. 

After they have completed the steps, have them tell you where the pigs are using a complete sentence.  Tell them to put their tongue back when they say words with /k/ and /g/.  Again, put your hand to your throat as a cue to put their tongue back if they are having trouble.  

Example:  “The pink pig is _____.”

                  “The purple pig is  ___.”

We will also be singing the following pig song:

We are also using a "farm" sensory bin.  We will work on using our "good sounds" to talk about the animals, where they are, and what they are doing.

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