Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pool Story

Print out the pictures and tell your child the story.  After, have them put the story in the correct order.  Then, they can answer questions about the story.

 Page 1: Sally wants to go outside and play with her friends!
Questions: What does Sally want to do?  What do you think her and her friends are going to do?

 Page 2: Sally finds her friends. They are going to the pool.  They tell Sally "You can't play with us!  You'll get your clothes all wet!"  Sally feels really sad
Questions: Where are Sally's friends going?  Why can't she play with them?  How does she feel?

 Page 3: Sally tells her mom "They won't let me play with them!  They said I"ll get my clothes wet at the pool."  Sally's mom tells her, "You just need to put on your bathing suit!"
Questions: What does Sally need to put on?

 Page 4: Sally puts on her bathing suit and says "I'm ready for the pool!"  Now Sally feels excited to go find her friends.
Questions: How does Sally feel? What color is her suit?  Where is she going to go?  What will she do in the pool?

Page 5: Sally swims in the pool!  She doesn't worry about getting her clothes wet, because she has her bathing suit!  Sally and her friends have so much fun swimming in the pool!
Questions: What are all the friends doing?  How many friends do you see?

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