Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Action Words

 These summer action word pictures can be used in a variety of ways! Use some of my ideas listed below, or come up with some of your own! 

Action game: Show your child the pictures and read them the actions.  Pretend like you have those objects and are using them.

Naming functions: Show your child the picture and have them tell you what you do with each object.  Do the action with your child.

Guess the object: Pretend like you are using one of the objects and have your child guess what you are using. Then switch roles!

Collect the objects: Have your child look around your house for all of the objects.  Then have them do all of the actions for you.

Visual cues: Use these pictures as visual cues if your child is having trouble using an object appropriately.  For example, show them the picture of the sunglasses and tell them to put theirs on.

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