Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Apples, Apples, Apples!

For the next two weeks in Ms. Abby and Ms. Mary's classes we will be learning all about Apples.  We will be reading the following books and learning two vocabulary words with each book.  The vocabulary words were also sent home, so please work on them with your child at home!

Para las dos proximas semanas en las clases de Ms. Abby y Ms. Mary vamos a aprender todo sobre manzanas!  Vamos a leer estos libros y aprender dos palabras de vocabulario para cada libro.  Uds. recibieron las palabras, por favor trabajo con sus ninos en la casa!

Activities for Home:
Actividades para la Casa:

Show your child the picture and talk about the definition of "shiny."  Make a sign that says "yes" and "no."  Look around your house with your child and find things that are shiny, and things that are not shiny!

Muestra la foto y la definition de "brillante." Haga un papel que dice "si" y "no." Busque en su casa con su nino para cosas que son brillantes y cosas que no son brillantes!

Show your child the picture of and talk about "carving."  Talk about other things that you can carve, what you can use, and what you can carve!  At school we carved faces into playdough with sticks.

Muestra y habla de la definition de "tallar."  Habla sobre las cosas que pueden tallar, que puede usar para tallar, y que puede tallar!  En la escuela los estudiantes tallaron plastacina con palos.

Activities for Home:
Actividades para la Casa:

Show your child the picture and talk about the definition of "delicious."  Make a sign that says "yes" and "no."  Look around for real or pretend foods, and decide if they are delicious or not!

Muestra la foto y la definition de "delicioso." Haga un papel que dice "si" y "no." Busque en su casa con su nino para comida real o falsa, y habla si la comida es delicioso o no es delicoso!

Show your child the picture and talk about the definition of "blossoms."  Trace your child's hand and make leaves to make a tree!  Then use a bingo marker, paint, or markers to make blossoms!

Muestra la foto y la definition de "florecimiento." Traza la mano de su hijo y hagan hojas para hacer un arbol!  Luego use un marcador del bingo, pintura, o marcadores para hacer florecimientos!

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