Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pool Story

Print out the pictures and tell your child the story.  After, have them put the story in the correct order.  Then, they can answer questions about the story.

 Page 1: Sally wants to go outside and play with her friends!
Questions: What does Sally want to do?  What do you think her and her friends are going to do?

 Page 2: Sally finds her friends. They are going to the pool.  They tell Sally "You can't play with us!  You'll get your clothes all wet!"  Sally feels really sad
Questions: Where are Sally's friends going?  Why can't she play with them?  How does she feel?

 Page 3: Sally tells her mom "They won't let me play with them!  They said I"ll get my clothes wet at the pool."  Sally's mom tells her, "You just need to put on your bathing suit!"
Questions: What does Sally need to put on?

 Page 4: Sally puts on her bathing suit and says "I'm ready for the pool!"  Now Sally feels excited to go find her friends.
Questions: How does Sally feel? What color is her suit?  Where is she going to go?  What will she do in the pool?

Page 5: Sally swims in the pool!  She doesn't worry about getting her clothes wet, because she has her bathing suit!  Sally and her friends have so much fun swimming in the pool!
Questions: What are all the friends doing?  How many friends do you see?

Letter Search

Talk to your child about letters this summer! Do this letter search activity and have them find the different letters.  Have them circle the letters they find.  Then, have them count how many they found.  Match the number with the number of letters they found!

Find all of the "A"s!

Find all of the "B"s!

 Find all of the "C"s!

Find all of the "D"s!

Match the numbers with each picture!  Talk about the difference between numbers and letters.


Subitizing is a great skill for kids to have going into kindergarten. Subitizing is when someone can look at a group of objects and know how many objects are there, without having to count.  This website has great information if you would like to learn more:

Show your child one of the pictures and say the number. Don't count the objects out loud, only say the number.  Do this for each page. After you go through it once, have your child say the numbers with you. If they say it wrong, just move on to the next page. With a little bit of practice they will start catching on!

Summer Action Words

 These summer action word pictures can be used in a variety of ways! Use some of my ideas listed below, or come up with some of your own! 

Action game: Show your child the pictures and read them the actions.  Pretend like you have those objects and are using them.

Naming functions: Show your child the picture and have them tell you what you do with each object.  Do the action with your child.

Guess the object: Pretend like you are using one of the objects and have your child guess what you are using. Then switch roles!

Collect the objects: Have your child look around your house for all of the objects.  Then have them do all of the actions for you.

Visual cues: Use these pictures as visual cues if your child is having trouble using an object appropriately.  For example, show them the picture of the sunglasses and tell them to put theirs on.

S is for Summer

Have your child find each "s" and circle it.  What begins with the letter "s" in this picture?

Friday, May 23, 2014

I Spy /s/ Blends

Have your child complete the following sentence using the different color stars.  Make sure they make a long /s/ when they say the words "spy," "star," and "sky."

/s/ Blend Search

Find all of the pictures of things that start with an the letter "s"!  Have your child look for the following pictures:

1. Strawberry
2. Stripes
3. Snowflakes (7)
4. Snowman
5. Skate
6. Slide
7. Spider
8. Star

After they find the picture, have them say the word 5x.  Make sure they use a long /s/ at the beginning of each word.

Kindergarten Social Story

Some of your children may have a hard time going to kindergarten next year.  Here is a social story that you can read to your child this summer. Prep them that they will be going to another school.  Talk to them about what will be at that school, and how they will have a new teacher.  If you need any other social stories, let me know!

/k/ Sentences

Have your child fill in the blank to create a sentences. Tell them to put their tongue back while saying the words with a /k/.

G Sentences

Have your child fill in the blank to create a sentences. Tell them to put their tongue back while saying the words with a /g/.

Summer Calendars

I have greatly enjoyed working with your children this school year.  They have all made such great progress and worked so hard.  I hope everyone has a great summer.  I will post things throughout the summer you all can work on.

Here are some calendars my friend made ( ).  Please use them over the summer to get your child talking!  Please have them use their "good speech sounds" while answering the questions.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mother's Day Card

This year for Mother's Day I interviewed the kids about their moms.  First I had them color the cover page and write their names. Then, I asked them questions about their moms and had them draw a picture of what their mom looks like.  It turned out super cute!

Ocean Story

This month we are doing an ocean/beach theme!  The following story will be used this week and next!

 Page 1: Joey is spending the day at the beach!  He has on his sunglasses and sunblock because it is so sunny outside!  He is playing in the sand with his sand toys.  He wants to go find his friends, so he leaves to go find them.
Questions: What is the boy's name? What does he have on because it is so sunny?  What is he doing in the sand? Who is he looking for?
Page 2: First he looks in the ocean.  He doesn't see his friends! He only sees a sea turtle, shark, and fish. He keeps looking!
Questions: Where does he look first? What does he see in the water?  Where do you think his friends are?

 Page 3: Next, he looks on a boat. He sees a little girl and asks "Have you seen my friends?"  She tells him to look back at the beach.
Questions: Who does he see on a boat?  Where does she tell him to look for his friends?
Page 4: On the beach he sees his friends! They were building a sand castle! They all say hi to Joey.  Joey is so happy he found his friends!
Questions: What were his friends doing?  What did they say to him when they found him?  How do you think Joey feels?  What do you think Joey and his friends are going to do now?