Thursday, October 29, 2015

Big Pumpkin/Calabaza Grande

****This is for room 16 (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday program with Miss Nicole on Tuesdays)
Eso es para room 16 (martes, jueves, viernes programa con Miss Nicole los martes)

We read the story "Big Pumpkin." Read it with your child! 
Nosotros leemos el cuento "Big Pumpkin."  Leelo con su hijo!

Here is the link:



We found a pumpkin with a vine still attached to it! 
Nosotros enoctramos una calabaza con una vid!


Ask your child which of these pictures show boast.  
Pregunta a su hijo cual foto es alardear.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

***Note: This is only for Ms. Mary's class

Yesterday we read the story "Seed, Sprout, Pumpkin, Pie."  We worked on the following vocabulary words:

We found a pumpkin that had a vine coming out of the top.

We also learned about the word decorate.  We used a picture of a living room and added Halloween stickers to it as decorations. These are great sticker pads I would recommend getting for you child. You can get them here

We also did the following story.  Show your child the story and ask the to tell it to you!
1. Molly wanted to have a surprise Halloween party for Matt.  She had to decorate her house before the party.

2.  Molly put up all the decorations around the house.  She saw Matt coming down the stairs, so she turned off the lights.  

3. It was so dark in the house, and Matt couldn't see!

4. Molly turned on the lights and said "Surprise!"  Matt was so happy to see all of the Halloween decorations!

T Day in Appple

*****This is for the APPLE class with Ms. Hope and Ms. Nicole on Fridays.  

Last Friday was "T" day in APPLE!  Talk to your child about the following activities they did! Have your child say all the bolded words below.

Book of the Week
Check out the video here and sing with our child!

Songs/Finger Plays

We also sang I'm A Little Teapot

Large Group Activity
For our large group activity, we learned which items have a lot of sugar and stick to our teeth.  The food items that don't have a lot of sugar dropped to the floor!

I forgot to take a picture of this, but for our sensory we played in a water table full of tea with tea cups  

The students used placemats with different forms of transportation.  They had to tell the teachers where they wanted their snack.

Fire truck floor puzzle

Transportation bingo

Fire truck and station scene

Turtle Recall








Tell your family what you did today in APPLE!

Tell them about the book we read.

¡Dile a tu familia lo que hiciste hoy en APPLE!

Hábleles acerca del libro:,204,203,200_.jpg
Look for some of our favorite songs from this week on YouTube or iTunes.

Busquen estas canciones favoritas en YouTube o iTunes.

“Brush Your Teeth” by/por Raffi  

“Fire Truck” by/por Ivan Ulz

Practice these T poems.
“Choo Choo Train” and “I’m a Little Teapot”
(Poems attached)

Practiquen estos poemas de la letra T. “Choo Choo Train” y “I’m a Little Teapot” (los poemas están adjuntos)
Walk around your neighborhood.  See how many triangles you can find.  Bring a notebook or some paper and draw the different triangle shapes.

Den una caminata por el vecindario.  Traigan un cuaderno o papel para dibujar los triángulos que encuentran.

Do the attached worksheets about words that start with the letter T.

Hagan las hojas adjuntas que tienen las palabras que empiezan con T.  

Keep a brushing log.  Make sure you brush your teeth at least once in the morning and at night.  You try it and then have your parents finish brushing for you.

Mantén un cuaderno de cepillar.  Asegúrate que te cepilles los dientes al menos una vez en la mañana y una vez en la noche.  Intenta hacerlo tú y luego tus papás pueden repasarlos.
Find something in your house that begins with the letter D.  Put it in your backpack and bring it for show and tell tomorrow at APPLE.

Busca algo en tu casa que empieza con la letra D.  Ponlo en tu mochila y tráelo para enseñárselo a tus amigos mañana en APPLE.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fall Break

 Here are some songs to do with your children during fall break!  These are all some great preschool favorites.  Your child will most likely know all of the words!

Going on a Bear Hunt

Bop Til You Drop

Slippery Fish

Let's Go Swimming

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Little Old Lady Who Was not Afraid of Anything

******This is for Ms. Mary and Ms. Abby's classes
Esto es para la clases de Ms. Mary y Ms. Abby

Here is a Video with a song from the book!  We didn't listen to it at school, but your child might enjoy listening to it at home!

Aqui hay un Video con la cancion del libro.  No escuchemos este cancion en la escuela, pero su hijo problament va a gustar escucharla en la casa!



Nervous: We talked about different times the students have been nervous.  Some students shared it's when the lights go out, when they go to school, and on the bus.  Ask your child about when they feel nervous!

Nervioso: Nosotros hablemos sobre cuando los ninos estaban nerviosos.  Algunos estudiantes dijeron que ellos estan nerviosos cuando no hay luz, cuando van a la escuela, y en el bus.  Pregunta su hijo cuando ellos estan nerviosos.


Pace:  We talked about times that we walk at a fast pace and times that we walk at a slow pace.  Ask your child about when they walk at a fast or slow pace! 

Paso: Nosotoros hablemos sobre cuando caminamos en un paso rapidamento y despacio.  Pregunta a su nino cuando ellos caminan rapido o despacio.