Wednesday, December 9, 2015

V Day in Apple

Here is what we did last week in APPLE!




Vegetable soup!

Friday, November 20, 2015

"F" Day in APPLE

Today in APPLE we learned all about the letter "F"! Ask your child about the following activities we did today!

Hoy en APPLE aprendemos sobre la letra  "F"! Pregunta a su hijo sobre las actividades que hicimos hoy!


Songs: Old McDonald Had a Farm 



Friday, November 13, 2015

K day in APPLE

Today in APPLE we are learning all about the "k" sound! 


Find things that start with /k/ to put in the kangaroo's pouch!

Make cupcakes

Find the keys 

Kids and cats! 

Wikki sticks 


Friday, November 6, 2015

Albuquerque Turkey

***Here is the book and vocabulary we did in Ms. Lisa's room (Room 16) with Ms. Nicole on Tuesdays
***Aqui es el libro y vocabulario que hicimos en la clase de Ms. Lisa (Room 16) con Ms. Nicole el martes. 

Sing the song Albuquerque Turkey with your child!
Canta la cancion Albuquerque Turkey con su nino

Monday, November 2, 2015


****This is for Ms. Mary's class
Este es para el clase de Ms. Mary




Stuffed: The monkey ate so much food, he couldn't eat anymore! He was stuffed.
Lleno: El mono comio mucha comida, el no podia comer mas!  El estaba lleno.

Feast: We choose food to put on our plates for a big feast!
Festin: Nosotros ponemos comida en los platos para un festin grande!

"D" Day in Apple

****This post is for the APPLE class with Ms. Hope and Ms. Nicole on Fridays.
Este es para la clase de APPLE con Ms. Hope y Ms. Nicole los viernes.



Phonology Activity
We found pictures of things that started with "d" to put on our dinosaur!
Nosotros encontramos cosas que empiezan con "d" para poner en el dinosaurio!

The speech therapists dressed up like "Inside Out" characters!  Your child may have talked to you about seeing all of the different emotions!

Las terapistas de habla estaban las personas en "Inside Out."  Tal vez su hijo hablo sobre las emociones!

We also had costumes for the students to put on!
Tambien teniamos disfrazes para los ninos!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Big Pumpkin/Calabaza Grande

****This is for room 16 (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday program with Miss Nicole on Tuesdays)
Eso es para room 16 (martes, jueves, viernes programa con Miss Nicole los martes)

We read the story "Big Pumpkin." Read it with your child! 
Nosotros leemos el cuento "Big Pumpkin."  Leelo con su hijo!

Here is the link:



We found a pumpkin with a vine still attached to it! 
Nosotros enoctramos una calabaza con una vid!


Ask your child which of these pictures show boast.  
Pregunta a su hijo cual foto es alardear.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

***Note: This is only for Ms. Mary's class

Yesterday we read the story "Seed, Sprout, Pumpkin, Pie."  We worked on the following vocabulary words:

We found a pumpkin that had a vine coming out of the top.

We also learned about the word decorate.  We used a picture of a living room and added Halloween stickers to it as decorations. These are great sticker pads I would recommend getting for you child. You can get them here

We also did the following story.  Show your child the story and ask the to tell it to you!
1. Molly wanted to have a surprise Halloween party for Matt.  She had to decorate her house before the party.

2.  Molly put up all the decorations around the house.  She saw Matt coming down the stairs, so she turned off the lights.  

3. It was so dark in the house, and Matt couldn't see!

4. Molly turned on the lights and said "Surprise!"  Matt was so happy to see all of the Halloween decorations!